Perry Family of Kershaw and Lancaster Counties South Carolina


Perry 1690 - 1841
Benjamin and James Perry of Virginia
Rich Hill Plantation
John Madison Perry
Liberty Hill Day 1
Liberty Hill houses Day 1
Lancaster Day 2
Henry (Hal) Brown Perry and Amelia Ragsdale Perry
Henry (Hal B) Brown Perry,Jr
Jane Curry Perry Carlisle
Anna Mae Perry Wood
Margaret (Margie) Elizabeth Perry Boren
Bessie (Betty) Amelia Perry Kirk
William Ragsdale (Bill) Perry
Texas Perrys
The Ragsdale line
Florida Perrys
Bessie Perry Hines and Cornelia Perry Scott
Alexander Wilmot Matheson
A Play

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We are trying to locate the post 1865 homeplace of Jane Curry and Jno. M. Perry. The 1880 Flat Rock township, Kershaw County SC lists these neighbors: Do you know where any of these families homes were sited? Nancy Brady (widow) age 40;C.B. Cureton (age 44) and wife Mary (37);Mary Moore (widow) age 46; R.Cunningham (widow) age 56;Jas. Stewman (44) and wife Caroline(39); Jno. Cunningham (widower) 37; R.B.Cunningham (65) and wife Mary (48). Among their African American neighbors were the following: Gaither,Dixon, McCorkle,Perry and Thompson.

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